Getting started!

Most people don’t believe fitness and working out is for them. Women tend to believe
“if I workout, I will get super muscular and I will look like a man”.
That is the falsest most stupid thing, in my opinion, women can think. Yes, working out can lead to super muscles but that’s if you take steroids.
To help build muscles, drinking protein shakes helps a lot. Talking to someone at your local GNC about what to take an not to take is a good step. Even if you are not working out, they can be a big help with what you should be doing. There are things you should take just to keep your body running properly. Make sure you are consuming enough protein during the day, and that you are taking the necessary vitamins.
Going to the gym everyday or only three times a week and doing more than just running/walking on the treadmill will help you gain muscle and help you live an overall better life. Working out helps prevent osteoporosis and keep you at an over all healthy. Get started by just going to find your nearest gym or rec center. Get familiar with the center, get familiar with the equipment, ask the workers if you have any questions about what machines do what. Doing this will help you for when you go in to get your first workout under your belt, you wont look totally out of place if you get your surrounding under control first.

Working out isn’t just for your body, it helps you out physically and mentally.

GET FIT. keep-calm-and-get-fit-26

4 thoughts on “Getting started!

  1. What kind of diet do you follow? I’m constantly looking for good foods that will help boost my energy so I want to go to the gym! And it is always hard to know if certain food products that claim to be “healthy” are worth the cost! Could you maybe help me out here? Thank you!!

    • I’m a fat kid, I love food. I’m on a “see-food” diet, I see food I eat it! I mean I don’t eat like crappy food all the time, but if someone offers me food….I tend to eat it. One thing to help is you’re not a dog, so if you have a good workout or you’ve had a healthy day…don’t reward yourself with food.
      ha I know some good pre/post work out protein powders that help with getting that energy.
      Foods that are “healthy” can be hard to find, like wheat bread. Unless it says 100% wheat, it won’t be all healthy, just because its wheat bread doesn’t mean it’s all wheat; most of the bread can just be dyed to look like wheat bread. Another thing is just look at the ingredients, if “high-fructose corn syrup” is one of the top three its most likely not healthy!

      • hahaha I appreciate your humor!

        But okay, good things to keep in mind! What are the pre/post powders you recommend, and where do I find those?

        I will keep the things you said in mind the next time I decided to tackle the grocery shopping (:

      • Cellucor is a great pre-workout and taste amazing! It’s one of my favorites 🙂 but if you go to GNC they can tell you about many different pre/post workouts that can work best for you.

        If you ever have any more questions you know where to find me 🙂

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