Protein Shakes Vs. Steriods

Many non-weight lifters believe that when weight lifters drink protein shakes that they are taking “steroids”.  They believe that since the weight lifter is getting bigger, that they obviously need to be taking some form of substance.  Protein powders come in different forms, the common ones are whey, soy, and casein. 
Protein powders help build muscle, it is made up of amino acids. Your body breaks down the amino acids and breaks them down into simple sugar that makes them easier to absorb.  The protein that is being absorb into your blood stream helps repair tissues, support your immune system, and transport oxygen into your blood stream. Steroids are synthetic organic compounds very similar to the male sex hormone testosterone.   So yea, drinking protein shakes helps you get bigger, and your muscles grow, but it is nothing like taking steroids. Protein shakes is natural where steroids is synthetic and without a prescription is illegal.

Too look at different protein supplements, take a look on or go into your local store today.  For more information on how protein powders are broken down go to


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