It’s time to BUST MYTHS! (Yes I watch myth busters….nerd at heart <3)

1) You’ve been eating right, lifting weights, and taking care of your body….but when you step on the scale your pounds seems to be rising.
•Yes when you started you might have weighted 135, worked out for a couple months but when you get back on the scale you now weigh 137. If you are doing everything right, and not cheating yourself, the rising of the scale will not be a bad thing. Remember yall fat weighs more than muscle. So yes you weigh more, but your body fat percentage should be lower than when you started and your muscle mass should be higher. If you want to figure out your BMI (Body Mass Index) all you have to do is divide your weight (kilograms) by your height (meters), and you can use this number to figure out if your obese/underweight/just right, just to let you know this isn’t 100%, different people have different body types, so make sure you check with a doctor before you make any drastic changes to your body.

2) “If I stop lifting weight, my muscles are going to turn into fat.”
•This is like saying my water is going to turn into wine, dude chill out YOU AIN’T JESUS! This is impossible; muscle and fat are formed from two very different types of tissue. Yes, it is true if you stop working out/lifting weights you will lose muscle mass, which in turn slow down your metabolism, which causes you to not to be able to burn off bad fats fast enough, which causes you to gain weight…but not the good kind of weight!

3) People have believed that if you work out, it means you can still eat and drink whatever you want.
•Yes you can have people that will argue with you and say I work out all the time but I go home and eat all sorts of fatty foods. This is not the case for most people. Most people need to set out a specific meal plan every day to make sure they get the proper amounts of nutrition to keep their bodies balanced with how they are working out. This is not the case for me, I can work out and then go eat a burger and be fine, but I understand what I have to do to keep that balance of bad things with the healthy things. One thing that helps me if that I eat food that help raise my metabolisms! DO NOT DRINK DIET SODA! Diet drinks kills your metabolism, yes its “healthier” for you but cause you to not be able to break down fats faster.

For more information on fitness myths….Fitness Myths and Fitness Myths 2

Fat and thin


2 thoughts on “MYTH BUSTERS!

    • it takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing, 8 weeks for your friends to notice, and 12 weeks for the rest of the world to notice. Give it 12 weeks, Don’t quit. and EAT!

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